The Importance of Education and The Quality of Human Life

Eradicating poverty is one of the biggest challenges facing nations around the world and is number one on the list of sustainable development goals set by the United Nations. According to UN estimates, over 783 million people live below the international poverty line of $1.90 a day and the situation will only get worse if the right steps are not taken now.

The discussion on the war on poverty will remain incomplete unless we discuss the impact education can have on poverty reduction. Almost all experts agree that the education and its provision is one of the most obvious and effective ways to take millions of households out of poverty across the world, and Pakistan is no different.

For starters, access to quality education allows humans in extreme poverty situations to develop skills they need to find better livelihoods and acts as the golden key that can open the doors to prosperity. Even if not ultimate, education remains a key solution that can help reduce poverty. On this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2018, we discuss how education can in fact help millions in Pakistan and around the world escape the clutches of abject impoverishment. Read on.
Education Can Help Eradicate Poverty Directly
According to vetted reports, 171 million humans around globe got rid of extreme poverty situations in the last decade. It is estimated that if the world is able to educate all children of the world with basic reading and writing skills, the world’s poverty can be reduced by 15% in a year. Every country that is facing extreme poverty conditions like Pakistan must do essential investment in education sector. This will help Pakistanis attain the knowledge, skills and understanding to pursue better jobs that are not only well paying but also provide them with consistent earnings that will help them provide for the needs of themselves and their families. Pakistan must take steps to provide free public education to those who lived under the line of poverty along with additional costs for uniforms, books and transportation, so that these citizens stand a better shot at improving their lives and the economic productivity of the country.
Education Helps Increase Earnings
Another way education can help eradicate poverty is by enhancing earnings of an individual. Poverty is sometimes simply not having enough earnings and having quality, or even in some cases basic education, can alleviate such problems. In order to achieve the goal of widespread economic prosperity in Pakistan, the role of education is imperative in increasing the skill level of masses. More education translates into more valued skills and more income as a result. Surely proper basic education is the most effective and direct way to increase economic security for those who are living in extreme poverty conditions.
Education Helps Reduce Fiscal Inequalities
Proper education not only ends illiteracy and ignorance of individual rights, but also boosts the self-esteem in those who are facing economic hardships. Education is directly correlated with income and reduces income inequality that has increased from 25% to 35% in the last two decades. Some quick changes in primary, secondary and higher education of Pakistan is perhaps the only line of attack to recuperate the economic inequalities of disadvantaged population in country.
Education Uplifts Economic Development
According to a recent report, about 39% Pakistanis do not have enough money to meet the basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. Due to the slow pace of economic growth and development in Pakistan, it’s really hard for the poor to come out from their multidimensional poverty. But education can turn the tables even in such situations of limited resources and means. Education not only gives people a better understanding of themselves but also helps them to achieve sustainable economic development without substantial investment. Truly Education is among those influential instruments that Pakistan can use to set the foundation for a sustained economic growth.
Education Leads To Personal Growth
In every sense of the word, basic education is one of the key factors of personal development. It not only reduces poverty, but also improves the quality of life that leads to broad social benefits to individuals as well as for the society. Impact of education on personal growth of individuals helps them to reap the complete benefits they need to unleash their potential. Economic security achieved through education can in turn lead to people turning to ever new ideas to enhance their incomes and in turn help the national economy gather pace. Moreover, educated households can take stock of the realities of life much better and hence take better decisions in crucial areas such as family planning. So education can alos directly help Pakistan deal with the very concerning but still uncontrolled rapid growth in population.

Going forward, providing quality education to reduce poverty must be a top priority of the state for the next decade if it truly wants to alleviate the economic conditions of almost 55 million Pakistanis who live below the poverty line. That’s the first step that the government must take now to ensure that the coming generations fare better than their uneducated ancestors.

Recence Septian Fuji Syukri
From blogger
Pict by poverty
22 Januari 2020


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